Little Hungry Hands

Vegas Adventures Continued..
Mornings in a studio-sized Airbnb come with their own rhythm, shaped by the space we’re in and the little routines we’ve built.

If I wake up before Nora, I stay in bed to avoid waking her—though not before feeding the needy doggos, who never let me forget their morning meal.

I hear her “wake-up talks” before I even peek at the monitor—soft whines, sleepy little groans, her tiny body adjusting under her sleeper. When I check the screen, she’s snuggled up to her stuffed puppy, the one she refuses to sleep without.

And the best part? When I unzip her blackout tent, she’s always smiling behind her binkie. That first look of pure happiness in the morning melts me every time.

She stands up, ready to start her day (most of the time), and we go through our usual routine. Good morning smiles. I take her binkie and her puppy, and we have our very important morning discussion:

"Did Puppy have a good sleep?"

Breakfast time comes next. She sits in her- on the ground highchair, and I awkwardly try to find a place to sit that isn’t too far from her—but also isn’t on the bed (which is a hard no, haha). She finishes before me most days, and as I take a few more bites, she starts handing food off to the dogs, cheerfully instructing them with wave for "okay!"

Then come the drive-bys—her walking past me, casually swiping bites of my food as she goes.

Honestly? I don’t mind.

Which is exactly why whenever I find a snack I love, I buy multiples. Because little hungry hands are the cutest.


Coffee With My Younger Self


It’s 10:00pm, why are you awake?